

"The coldly gleaming texture of the cloisonne vase, the colours of the brilliant pattern flowing on its smooth surface, the round, silverplated tray which had been brought to the table, the cube sugar and cream containers of the same colour, the heavy curtains of bluishblack fabric with a brown arabesque design, the ornamental album with three of its corners set in gold leaf-these vivid images passed in a disorderly manner before his mind's eye even after he had gone out from under the bright light and was walking in the dark outside."

Fredric Jamesonは『明暗』のこの箇所を物質/外的世界対内的世界の図式に基づいて把握しようとしているのだが、私は寧ろ原文からJamesonが別の箇所(このブログ1.24.参照)で指摘しているunfamiliarityの問題を考えた。大文字の他者の世界が漢語の多用により黒々と、またけばけばしく津田の内的世界に痕跡を残す。

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