
Jürgen Habermas

 18日に80歳の誕生日を迎える。70年代に彼の教えを受けたSeyla BenhabibはBlätter誌上で彼を”the relevant contemporary protagonist in the tradition of cosmopolitanism”彼をと位置づけ、
”To me 'cosmopolitanism' means to acknowledge that people are moral persons who have the right to be protected by law, on the basis of the rights owing to them not as citizens or as members of an ethnic group, but simply as human beings. Moreover, cosmopolitanism means that borders between countries are increasingly penetrable in the twenty-first century, and that justice within these borders and justice beyond these borders are interconnected, even if tensions between them can and will arise. With Jürgen Habermas, this position of human rights and cosmopolitanism produced from the very beginning the will to 'include the Other', regardless of national origin.”

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